Moving of and Stopping

On this driving lessons this will be your first driving lesson if you have not had any before.

The first thing we do after the cockpit drill is start the engine, Once we have started the engine we need to move the gears from park to drive. The next stage is doing our visual checks which would be left door mirror, centre mirror, right door mirror and blind spot. (this is when we are parked on the left side of the road.)  We then with my car gently his the accelerator (gas) and steer slightly to the right you are then moving.

We then have to pull up in a safe and convenient place. When you are asked to do this you need to look for somewhere to pull up safely. Once you have found somewhere, you then need to check your centre and left door mirror, if there is someone there then signal but if no one about you don’t need to signal. You then steer slightly to the left to get close to the kerb. Once you are close to the kerb and in a straight line start to break gently till you stop, then when you have stopped put the gear into park and then you can relax.

You will practice this until you can start to do this on your own the you would move on to the next bit of driving.

Driving Lessons