Driving test waiting times in Leeds

Driving instructors in Leeds

Driving test waiting times in Leeds

Why is there such a backlog of available driving test appointments?
We all are well aware of Covid and the impact it had right across the world,
something we never expected to have witnessed in this day and age.
But now when everything is getting back to normality, and the threat of Covid has all
but disappeared, why is there still such a problem for those wanting to learn to drive
in Leeds, book an appointment for their driving test.
In Leeds the waiting time to book a driving test is currently around 5 months!
Why is this?
It is because there is such a dramatic lack of qualified driving examiners, or the lack
of driving instructors, and the overwhelming amount of people wanting to learn to
drive in Leeds
Will the availability of driving test appointments differ depending on the area you are
learning to drive in?
Without a doubt, in such a big city, such as Leeds, you will undoubtedly have more
young people wanting to learn to drive.
So how does the problem get resolved?
Well, looking at the number of available driving examiners should be a starting point.
Is there a local shortage, a national shortage of qualified driving examiners?
Can the working times be changed, starting earlier, finishing later, working
weekends, but then is it fair if they may have a family at home, even if they live
alone, they should have a work-life balance?
So could the answer be employing more examiners, well that could be a start, but
then how long will that take to get them trained up to the required standard?
Another way is maybe to ask examiners from areas that are not as over-subscribed
for driving test appointments, as Leeds, with it being a major city in the North of
England, driving test appointments are just going to get longer and longer if
something is not resolved and soon.

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