The Old Fashioned 10 and 2

Driving lessons

Why is driving with 10 to 2 or a similar version safe for driving? Of the main reasons for driving this way is you have more control of your vehicle. Just think if you were driving down the road and suddenly you have a front tyre blow out, and you are not holding the wheel  correctly you could lose total control of your vehicle and end up  in a bad accident. But if you were holding the wheel correctly with the blow out, the  natural thing to do is to grab your steering wheel really tight and you would not lose as much control of the car.

So this is one reason for holding the steering wheel correctly.  Another reason is when your are turning corners if you feed the steering wheel through your hands you would be more in control of the vehicle while going round the corners. So lets ask you a question. Have you  ever been approaching a give way or stop sign and the vehicle turning in to the road you are driving down, come round the corner quite wide? This was probably  due to the other driver not using his steering wheel  correctly or other factors. But if the other driver did the steering correctly this will cut out a lot of the wide driving.

Think also about turning the vehicle with just the palm of your hand, what could happen?  If you were doing this and then  your hand slipped what would happen to the steering wheel? Most likely it would start to turn back,  causing problems for the car and possibly could then cause a crash or hit a pedestrian.

One other factor that some people do is after turning a corner they let the steering wheel turn back on its own. Now although people will find this easy to do it is not safe to do, as when the wheel is returning you could hit an object on the road or a pot hole which could then stop the wheel turning and cause an accident.

So when you think about it the safest way to drive is using the 10 to 2 or 9 to 3 as well as using the push and pull, for steering is a lot safer but over time will save you having accidents and save money on repairs.

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By Published On: January 30th, 2019Categories: driving schoolComments Off on The Old Fashioned 10 and 2Tags: , , ,