How good is your driving

driving lessons intensive

So how good is your driving if tomorrow you had to take your driving test could you pass again? or do you think you would fail? Only you could answer that question.

If you think you would pass, brilliant but think back to your driving lessons and test do you still drive the same way or have you pick up some bad habits while driving?

If you think you would fail think of what you could do to make you a better driver.

So if you want to improve your driving what can you do? Well think do you know all the rules in the highway code? as you could be doing something wrong from that. Most accidents on our roads are through not looking at all or not looking properly. How often do you look and check your mirrors. When driving do you use the correct road marking and signs when driving. Do you see your in the wrong lane at the last minute change and cause problems but ignore thinking you are correct in what you are doing.

These are all area’s you could look at improve with low costs and help Britain’s roads get a lot safer.

You don’t have to buy the highway code now you can read it online just refresh you memory of the correct rules. You can ask a friend to watch you drive and pick up on this that you are doing wrong.  There is a publication which a lot of people  do not know about it is called National standards for driving riding and cycling

Why not have a read of this as having your driving licence is not a right it is a privilege that we get for passing our driver or riding test.  But we must keep up to date  with the rules for driving and riding.

If you are still unsure why not get some more training to help you improve driving but also with this training may start saving money on fuel and maintenance of you vehicle.

Quite a few people think all driver should have some sort of driving assessment every so often to help keep our roads safer. If you think that way why don’t you seek some professional help making you a better and safer driver. If we all did this imagine how much safer our roads would be.

One final thing you could do is read books that would help you a better driver, my suggestion for that is Roadcraft, this book is written for potential police to drive the police cars, but reading this it will help you understand how the car performs when driving it.

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