Is Intensive driving worth it?
Intensive Driving Courses What are they? They are driving lessons, but you learn over a much quicker period So you could book a 45-hour driving lesson course and take it within a week or two. Most companies, once you pay are flexible with your schedule. Are they worth the price you pay, against learning to drive traditionally? You pay your fee to learn to drive, to the company, and they then pass your details to one of their driving instructors, but how much do they pay the driving instructor? Probably not as much as you think, considering what
The Cost of Insurance
So how much is your insurance? We can never understand how they work it out. So here are some of the things that insurance companies to work you insurance. So the first is you and the car. What is the value of the car, how big is the engine in the car, how many years have you been driving for, how many years have you not claimed on your insurance, with other things they look at. They will then look at where you live for car crime rates, accidents that have happened